Effective Study Techniques for High School Students

The Top 6 Study Skills For High School Students

Check out these quick six tips to help you level-up your study skills.

1. Time Management

You’re in high school, and your time is limited. Take time to reevaluate your to-do list. What’s the most pressing item there, and which ones can wait? Is it more important to prepare for your AP US History exam on Friday or complete your Honors Literature essay due in two weeks? Since you have your daily planner dialed in (ideally a few weeks ahead of time), you should be able to look ahead at what’s coming and figure out what needs to be tackled first. Some students work best by getting the harder tasks out of the way first, creating a sense of accomplishment, and lightening the load going forward. Some students prefer tackling easy tasks first, so they’re able to cross off a few things on their long list quickly. Figure out which system works best for you and stick to it. The most important thing is that you look at your upcoming tasks holistically and figure out what needs to be handled first.

2. Note Taking

We’re all familiar with being in class, feeling like we understand a concept, then returning home to tackle our homework, feeling lost on the same material. This is where diligent and organized note taking comes into play. Not only does note taking help you review class material after first hearing it, but the actual writing and taking notes of what you’re hearing will help you absorb and hold onto more of it rather than the information flowing in one ear and out the other. Of course, it can be hard to keep really organized notes when the teacher is moving quickly in class. This is why Crimson recommends reviewing your notes each night. Go through and highlight key points, color code particular topics, add post it notes to areas you know you need more clarity on. Your notes are your surest guide to success in your classes.

3. Setting Up a Study Space

Make sure your study space is set up to your liking. Clear off all of your distractions, have all of the materials you need: think textbooks, notebooks, highlighters, your favorite snack, etc. If your desk is disorganized, it can be difficult to focus on what really matters. We recommend having a study space separate from where you like to relax or sleep. This way, when it’s time to work, you come to your study space, and when it’s time to relax, you’re able to disconnect from your work and recharge.

4. Rewarding Yourself

Provide yourself rewards for your hard work. Did you bust out three hours of studying for that upcoming test? Treat yourself and allow your brain to recharge. Maybe that means a walk around the neighborhood, eating your favorite snack, or watching a favorite show. Just make sure you come back to your work when you need to. Remember your long-term goals and why each of these small tasks really matters. Small successes add up to your overall goals. Keep the long game in the back of your mind while you focus on bite-size tasks that will get you there.

5. Study Groups

What happens when you get stuck on a concept you don’t fully understand, and you’re stuck at home without access to your teacher? This is where study groups can really come in handy. Forming study groups with a few classmates will help reinforce concepts, allow everyone to talk through questions, and really solidify your understanding. Reviewing aloud can immensely help students absorb the material and make sure they fully grasp it. It’s also a great opportunity to help out other classmates while you continue reviewing the material. It can also break up the monotony of studying for hours on end alone.

6. Staying Motivated

Remember, staying motivated is crucial. You need to keep your long-term goals in mind and celebrate your small successes along the way. Treat yourself for your hard work, and make sure you’re taking breaks to recharge. Don’t forget to reward yourself for the small wins along the way to keep yourself motivated and charging forward.

These study skills will help you stay organized, focused, and motivated throughout your high school journey. By implementing these strategies, you’ll be well-prepared for college and beyond.


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